Deluge torrent error free#
Myself and any editor(s) of this answer are not responsible for any damages, incidental, or consequential, that may arise from use of these instructions. Deluge torrent is one of the most commonly used free multi-platform torrent clients.One of its unique features, compared to Transmission or qBittorrent, is the ability to connect to remote Deluge daemons. Note that using BitTorrent(r) or using peer-to-peer services may be illegal in your area.
Deluge torrent error download#
Now what i want is to change the owner of the old download folder. I moved the download directory to my home and it works fine. If, as you say, 'someone has X installed for other things but only wants to use deluge on the CLI', there will be a broken deluge icon in X. The problem is in the permissions of the folder. I've tested on multiple sites, and multiple torrents.Deluge is a torrent client. You may want to try to delete/rename the deluge configuration directory, reconfigure it from scratch and try re-adding the torrents to see if it works. However Portless trackers fail with the above. 02:29:08 torrentmanager:901 on_alert_tracker_error 02:29:08 alertmanager:123 tracker_error_alert: TORRENTNAME ( ) (200) invalid port (1) 02:29:07 torrentmanager:881 on_alert_tracker_announce 02:29:07 torrentmanager:847 on_alert_torrent_checked

02:29:07 torrentmanager:934 on_alert_state_changed Work around the problem by ignoring additional arguments. Do not use 'random ports' and use ports between 5009 (the default ports used by torrent programs are sometimes blocked by ISPs). The implementation in Deluge does not support that. There is one thing to do: check in preferences if deluge sees the port it uses as 'open' with the 'test active port' check. Since Python 3.8, it takes an additional argument stacklevel. 02:29:07 torrent:351 set_state_based_on_ltstate: Downloading Deluges logger class extends Pythons logging.Logger. 02:29:07 torrentmanager:919 on_alert_torrent_resumed 02:29:07 alertmanager:123 tracker_announce_alert: TORRENTNAME ( ) sending announce (started) 02:29:07 alertmanager:123 torrent_checked_alert: TORRENTNAME checked 02:29:07 alertmanager:123 state_changed_alert: TORRENTNAME: state changed to: downloading 02:29:07 alertmanager:123 torrent_resumed_alert: TORRENTNAME resumed 02:29:07 torrentmanager:476 Torrent TORRENTNAME added by user: localclient